How Boat came to be…

Through an initiative offered by the provincial government in the 1970’s, a group of forward-thinking families in our neighbourhood put together a proposal for a parent-run group daycare. The proposal was accepted and Boat Daycare opened its doors in spring 1974. It was licensed by the City of Vancouver in 1976.

Due to the fact that a large number of the families involved in the start-up of our daycare worked on and around the docks of Vancouver and the fact that the first play structure we had was a boat donated to the centre, it came to be known as Boat Daycare. Although the boat is long gone, but the promise of a parent-run daycare is still alive and kicking.

The original administration and operation of the daycare was divided between the board, the parents and three full-time staff. As the years passed and family dynamics changed, one part-time shift was expanded into a full-time position. Today, one Senior Supervisor, three full time Early Childhood Educators and the volunteer parent board are responsible for the management and control of the organization and its programs.

Ultimate responsibility for Boat Daycare and the Boat Daycare Society remains in the hands of parents who work with staff through the parent board. Boat Daycare continues to have a strong parent board that meets monthly to oversee the daycare’s finances and responsibilities under the B.C. Societies Act, as well as facilitating parents’ active involvement in the general functioning of the daycare.
