As a parent-run daycare, the time and energy of Boat parents is critical to the successful functioning of the daycare. Parent involvement in such areas as becoming a Board member, working on a committee, general maintenance, and other duties allows us to keep our costs down, therefore reducing the amount of monthly daycare fees. That is why it is important that every parent takes on a share of our collective responsibilities.
Each family is expected to volunteer a minimum of 1 hour a month, or 6 hours in a six month period. Many parents volunteer many more hours than this, but this is the minimum. Volunteer sign-up sheets will be posted in the cubby room and volunteer opportunities are sometimes sent via email. There is a Volunteering Binder in the cubby room and each child has a page in the binder. Parents can log their individual volunteer activities in this binder. If you cannot fulfill one of your responsibilities, please contact the Senior Supervisor to fulfill an alternative daycare need.
Each Boat Daycare family is encouraged to participate by:
- Attending a family meeting and potluck held several times each year (e.g. one in fall, another for the AGM in May, plus a potluck-only evening during the December holidays).
- Joining a yard clean-up crew, in either spring or fall.
- Fulfill one cleaning shift in the summer, when the cleaner is on vacation.
- Volunteer for the ad-hoc repairs and parent volunteer opportunities that are posted in the cubby room or communicated via emails or HiMama.
- Becoming a board member or volunteering on an ad hoc committee.
Sign-up sheets will be posted in the cubby room, via emails, or HiMama.